CDC - "Learn how to protect yourself and your family from a wildfire, including how to protect yourself against smoke and ash, evacuate safely during a wildfire, and how to stay healthy when you return home."

The GreenSafe System consists of an air cleaning device and biodegradible liquids designed to reduce or eliminate synthetic chemicals. System products minimize or end risks to ground water, waterways, useful insects, animals, and people. We use nanotechnology to turbocharge processed plant and oil seed extract mixtures long known as crop boosters, insect control agents, and cleaners. Our proprietary blending process with its specific time intervals, temperatures, and sequences transforms processed plant and oilseed extracts into colloidal micelles. Trillions of these make up our GreenSafe System™ Find device selection and chemical application information on this site. Talk to us about device and products that match your needs. Our devices have ben Mil Spec certified, then widely used since 2015. We use a proprietary app to size our device for free standing or HVAC installation use. Field test reports document typical System applications. There is never an charge for product technical services.